Your vacuum sealer has a permanent spot in your kitchen, but there are many other rooms in your home that can benefit from its use. While this accessory is ideal for keeping items preserved for the long haul, it can be used in a variety of other ways.
Looking to make the most of your Quiware® Vacuum Sealer? Consider these 10 things you didn’t realize you could vacuum seal.
1. Coffee Beans
After you open a fresh bag of coffee beans or grounds, they are susceptible to compounds in the air. The National Coffee Association reported that coffee can quickly lose its flavor when exposed to moisture, so it’s imperative to seal it in an airtight container or sealed bag to ensure its freshness for longer periods of time.

Those childhood mementos you’re so keen on keeping are well-suited for a vacuum sealer, as the bags not only make storage much easier, but also keep your toys and memories well-preserved for the future.
3. Scrapbook Supplies

Stickers, buttons, beads, ribbon – all can be kept organized in separate vacuum sealer bags that can be easily stored in filing cabinets or plastic bins.
4. Wedding Cake

Looking forward to your one-year anniversary? After freezing a traditional piece of wedding cake for two hours, preserve its quality by sealing it with your Quiware® Vacuum Sealer.
5. First-Aid Kits

Whether you’re sending your children to school or making a kit for an outdoor pursuit, keep medical supplies in one handy bag by vacuum sealing bandages, gauze and pain killers together.
6. Pancakes

Instead of letting that large stack of pancakes go to waste – or forcing yourself to eat 10 pancakes in one sitting – seal them in batches of two to provide yourself with breakfast all week long.
7. Ice

Why spend money on ice packs when you’ve already got the necessary ingredients in your kitchen? Simply seal small batches of ice and you’ve got a perfect cool block for kids’ lunches or quick pain relief.
8. Game Pieces

If you’re constantly losing pieces to your favorite board games, consider sealing them in a bag to ensure that they haven’t mysteriously disappeared next time you bust out your favorite title on game night.
9. Nuts and Bolts

Got some leftover pieces after assembling that bookcase? Keep them together by sealing them and keeping them stored in a cabinet or drawer, labeled with a permanent marker so you don’t forget which pieces go where.
10. Holiday Decorations

The holiday season is quickly approaching – instead of throwing your garland and faux foliage in cardboard boxes, keep them safe from dust and mites by sealing them and storing them over the next few seasons.
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