What is sous vide cooking?
Sous vide cooking generally includes any kind of cooking that occurs in a temperature controlled water bath. The name itself refers to the vacuum-sealed bags that the food is typically placed in before being submerged in the water.

What is Sous Vide?
Sous vide cooking generally includes any kind of cooking that occurs in a temperature controlled water bath. The name itself refers to the vacuum-sealed bags that the food is typically placed in before being submerged in the water. With the benefit of cooking at a specific and consistent temperature, sous vide takes a lot of the guess work out of cooking and ensures that your food will be cooked perfectly every time.
How does it differ from other cooking techniques?
Sous vide is basically poaching inside sealed bags under very precise and measured conditions. The water in your cooking vessel is regulated at a specific temperature and is circulated to maintain consistency. Additionally, especially for proteins, very little, if any, extra fat is added into the packages and instead, the protein cooks in its own juices, which leaves the food moist, juicy and tender.

What equipment is needed?
There are two primary equipment options when it comes to sous vide cooking: You can either buy a water bath, which resembles a portable deep fryer, but uses water instead of oil or an immersion circulator, which will then require a large pot or plastic container. Additionally, you’ll need zipper lock freezer bags or bags made specifically for sous vide.
Sous vide cooking generally includes any kind of cooking that occurs in a temperature controlled water bath. The name itself refers to the vacuum-sealed bags that the food is typically placed in before being submerged in the water.